From History of Gwinnett County, Georgia by James C. Flanigan: "Mr. Adair was born in South Carolina in the year 1783; just at the close of the American Revolution. He descended from one of the old families of the Adairs of Scotland where all the Adairs in Europe and America originally sprang from, according to tradition handed down from generation to generation. His great grandfather, Robin Adair, was the boon companion of Robert Burns, the Scottish bard. It was said of him: "He was a decided character, a good peacemaker, of jovial good humor, witty and wise. At all public places he would have a crowd around him listening to his witticisms and songs." Some of his descendants emigrated to Ireland, some to England. His son, Robert, went to England, and his son, Robert married Sir John Sidney's daughter, emigrated to America and settled in Virginia. Before leaving England he named one of his sons after both grandfathers, Robert Sidney. This son married a widow, El...
Telling the Tales of Tombstones