Capt. Robert H. Anderson 9th U.S. Infantry Died Manila, Philippine Islands November 7th, 1901 1861 - 1901 STEADFAST |
CAPT. ANDERSON DEAD.Capt. Anderson rests in Bonaventure Cemetery at Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. There is a beautiful carving on the foot of his gravestone:
Died of Pneumonia at Mobile -- Was Appointed From Georgia.
Washington, Nov. 7 -- A cablegram received at the war department today from General Chaffee, at Manila, announces the death from pneumonia of Captain Robert H. Anderson, of the 9th infantry.
Captain Anderson was appointed to the army in 1884 from civil life, being credited to Georgia.
Savannah, Ga., Nov. 7 -- Captain Robert H. Anderson, of the Ninth regular infantry, was born in this city in 1861. His father was General Robert H. Anderson, of the Confederate army, and for many years chief of police of Savannah. Young Anderson was appointed a second lieutenant in the army by President Arthur, in 1884. He served gallantly in Cuba, and afterwards in China and the Philippines. His family connection in this section are extensive and prominent. He leaves a widow and two children." [Columbus Daily Enquirer (Georgia), 8 November 1901, pg. 1 -- Viewed online at GenealogyBank.]
Initials R.H.A., laurel wreath, and sword. Photo © 2007 - 2013 S. Lincecum |
The laurel wreath symbolizes "military as well as intellectual glory and was also thought to cleanse the soul of any guilt it had over the slaying of enemies." [Douglas Keister, Forever Dixie: A Field Guide to Southern Cemeteries & Their Residents (Utah: Gibbs Smith, 2008), 155 & 156.]
Note: In the obituary at top, the subheadline reads, "Died of Pneumonia at Mobile..." I suspect this is a mistake. Please let me know if I'm wrong.