Sacred TO THE Memory OF JOHN BEALE BARNES, Esq. who departed this life 6th November 1815 in the 36th year of his age. |
9 November 1815
Augusta Herald (Georgia) - pg. 3
DIED, at his seat in Columbia county, on Monday morning last, Major John B. Barnes, aged 36 years. -- He was the evening before in high health and spirits, and on the morning of his death, he rose apparently well, and as he walked into his piazza, was seized with an apoplectic fit, fell, and in three minutes was a corpse. By this dispensation an amiable wife, and two small children are deprived of their best earthly friend, and by it an impressive evidence is furnished to all survivors, of the uncertainty of life, and of the necessity and importance of being at all times prepared for death -- Few persons seemed more likely to attain an advanced age than major Barnes, if an opinion on this subject were to be formed, from personal appearance, from apparent strength of constitution, or force of muscular power -- but in a moment he is prostrate in the dust, his vital powers are suspended, and his spirit has passed into the invisible world. His remains were brought to this place on Tuesday, and interred in St. Paul's church yard with military honors, and attended by numerous friends who assembled to pay their last tribute of respect, to one greatly respected for his literary acquirements, and extensively esteemed for his social qualities, and benevolent disposition.