I have a lot of Peavys in my family tree. A lot. There's a direct line, and there are collateral line/s that married into other collateral line/s. It's quite convoluted, actually. In many instances, if my genealogy software didn't tell me the connection, I'd be pretty clueless. Basically, it seems that if the surname is Peavy (with or without an e before the y) and it's found in middle Georgia, we're related – or at least "connected."
So here's one for the Peavy researchers – all about Uncle Mike. [I have nine Michael Peavys in the family tree, btw. Some with sources, some without. (Honesty rules!)]
Vienna News (Georgia)
18 August 1911 – pg. 1
"Uncle Mike" Peavy, one of the old citizens and landmarks of Dooly county, died late Tuesday night at the home of a son, Mr. Richard Peavy, near this city. He had suffered a slight attack of malaria and chills but was believed to be recovering when his case developed pneumonia a few days ago. Several children survive him and hundreds of friends unite in mourning his demise. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, interment at Harmony. -- Unadilla Leader.
If I'm correct, this Michael Peav(e)y was born in 1825 to Mary Youngblood and Eli Peavy. Various sources give Uncle Mike and his wife Mary Ann Hudson five children: Francis M., Richard, Margaret Elizabeth, Jesse James (also the name of one of Mike's brothers), and Anna C. I can find Mike in the "easy" census records (where everybody white is named) of 1910, 1900, 1880, 1870, 1860, and 1850.
So, if you're researching this Peavy line, there's an obit and a tombstone for ya!
Here's the zany connection per genealogy software: "Brother-in-law of 1st great grand aunt of husband of 2nd cousin 2x removed" of me! I can add this: the 1st great grand aunt is Martha Ann Vinson (1819-1893), wife of Green B. Peavey. Please don't ask me to figure out the rest.
[If you're wondering what's up with all the "letter" posts: I am attempting to follow the Blogging from A to Z Challenge(links to official page). This challenge lasts through the month of April, with Sundays off. Click here to see all my letter posts on one page. They will be in reverse order. Oh, and wish me luck!]