Just a few days shy of the 116th anniversary of her death.
Our Mother
Martha B.
Wife of H. M. Long
Born Oct 5, 1812
Died July 29, 1900
On that bright immortal shore,
We shall meet to part no more.
Level Creek Cemetery
Suwanee, Gwinnett County, Georgia
For an added bonus, here's a poem published 1865 in the book, Eighty Original Poems, by John McNair, D.D. The poem does contain a line from Martha's epitaph, but really I'm posting it just because I like it. I think I'm drawn to the cadence, as well as the words.
I have a treasure great indeed
Reserv'd for me in time of need --
Which does all other things exceed;
A treasure up in Heav'n.
I have a house far out of sight,
A blessed mansion pure and bright
Where I shall dwell in ceaseless light,
Exalted up in Heav'n.
I have a hope both firm and strong,
It is so now, has been so long,
That I shall join the happy throng
Who shout and sing in Heav'n.
I have a faith my Maker gave,
It vaunts not, yet 'tis strong to save,
And will, methinks, ev'n death out-brave,
And land me safe in Heav'n.
I am a king, but not of earth,
I boast not of my human birth,
This is a thing of little worth,
My kingdom's up in Heav'n.
I have a crown that's kept for me
By him who died on calvary;
That crown I soon in joy shall see
And wear it up in Heav'n.
I have a Great Almighty Friend,
Who does my life, my all defend,
And still will guide me to the end,
Then fix me up in Heav'n.
There, there my conflicts will be o'er,
There I shall need my faith no more,
But on that bright, immortal shore,
Obtain my long'd for Heav'n,
There with the God-man glorified,
I'll in that glory sweet abide,
And wish for nothing more beside,
To constitute my Heav'n.