John Register, Unadilla Man, Is Killed; Another Dying.
William Register is Reported in Dying Condition.
UNADILLA, Ga. Dec 24. – One man was instantly killed, one is dying and another given a bad shaking up is the result of a fast passenger train crashing into an automobile at a crossing this afternoon in the heart of the business district of this city.
The dead:
John Register of Unadilla, and well known throughout this section.
The dying:
William Register of Unadilla, cousin of the dead man.
Laidler Brennen, who resides in the country near Unadilla, receiving minor injuries, but somewhat shocked from the accident.
Attempts to Cross Tracks
The three were in the automobile of John Register's and an attempt was made to cross the main line tracks of Georgia, Southern and Florida railroad, it is said, in front of the rapidly approaching passenger train.
The engine struck the automobile a solid blow and lifted it up on its pilot and carried it a distance of more than two hundred yards, according to witness, before the train was brought to a standstill.
The men were pinned in the automobile by the crash and when they were reached, John Register, who was at the steering wheel, was mangled and dead, while William Register is now barely [alive]. Mr. Brennen's escape was miraculous. [Macon Telegraph (Georgia), 25 December 1920, pg. 1. Via GenealogyBank.]
Johnny's death certificate is available for viewing online at He was a son of Sarah Vaughn and William E. Register.
[If you're wondering what's up with all the "letter" posts: I am attempting to follow the Blogging from A to Z Challenge(links to official page). This challenge lasts through the month of April, with Sundays off. Click here to see all my letter posts on one page. They will be in reverse order. Oh, and wish me luck!]
Awakening Dreams and Conquering Nightmares with a Pen
Blessings to you and yours, my dear.