Clifford was the first wife of Henry Macon Holtzclaw, Jr., and the daughter of Dr. Julius C. Gilbert. Her remains rest at Evergreen Cemetery in Perry, Houston County, Georgia.
Clifford Gilbert
Wife of H. M. Holtzclaw, Jr.
Born Sep 17, 1863
Died Dec 27, 1890
"Blessed are the pure in heart."
Houston Home Journal (Perry, Georgia)
1 January 1891 – pg. 3 [via South Georgia Historic Newspapers]
Death of Mrs. Holtzclaw
At about eight o'clock last Saturday night, Mrs. Clifford M. Holtzclaw, wife of Dr. H. V. Holtzclaw, died in Perry, at the residence of Judge H. M. Holtzclaw.
She was about 27 years old, lacking about two weeks of having been a wife twelve months. She was a consistent christian lady, a member of the Presbyterian church.
She was the second youngest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilbert, of near Houston Factory. Possessing in an eminent degree the noblest characteristics of true womanhood, she was loved by all who knew her.
Her death was one of the saddest ever known here, especially as only a few hours before her death it was thought she would get well.
To the devoted husband, father and mother, brothers and sisters, the bereavement is indeed crushing. Their many friends feel for them the deepest sympathy, knowing full well that consolation can only come from the Divine source.
Surely Heaven has gained another inmate.
The funeral service was held at the residence of Judge Holtclaw [sic] at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and immediately thereafter the solemn cortege proceeded to Evergreen cemetery, where the body of the loved one was placed in the grave, beside the infant that never knew the mother who gave it birth.
The floral offerings at the grave were decideely [sic] beautiful -- white flowers formed into wreaths and circlets, emblematic of the pure life of the deceased, and the love entertained for her.
Six years after the death of Clifford, H. M. Holtzclaw, Jr. married her sister Kate. This second wife died in 1917. After five years more, Mr. Holtzclaw committed suicide.
A Land So Dedicated: Houston County, Georgia