The remains of Frances Dennard rest at Evergreen Cemetery in Perry, Houston County, Georgia.
F. S. A. Dennard
Born July 31, 1815
Died July 6, 1886
Death comes not to those whose lives are such as hers,
it is but an entrance into our Father's home.
Obituary from Houston Home Journal (Perry, Georgia)
8 July 1886 – pg. 3
Death of Mrs. Dennard.
Mrs. Mary F. Dennard, widow of the late Capt. Hugh L. Dennard, died last Tuesday evening at the residence of her son-in-law, Hon. D. M. Hughes in Twiggs county. Mrs. Dennard left Perry about two months ago to visit her daughter in Twiggs, and was taken sick a few days after her arrival there. The immediate cause of her death was typhoid dysentery. The burial will take place this morning at Evergreen Cemetery at Perry. Funeral exercises will be held at the Baptist church, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Mrs. Dennard was about 71 years old, and her life had been such as to win to her the love and esteem of all who knew her. For many years she had been a consistent member of the Baptist Church…