Following from the 9th December 1863 Athens, Georgia Southern Banner:
Tribute of Respect.Lieut. Power was laid to rest in Fork Cemetery at Madison County, Georgia.
At a regular communication of Brookline Lodge, No 210, of Free and Accespted Masons, a committee...were appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of the Lodge in regard to the death of our Brother, FRANCIS B. POWER...
Whereas, it has pleased the Supreme Architect of the Universe, in the dispensation of his providence, to remove from time to eternity, our highly esteemed and worthy brother Francis Power, who departed this life in the fortieth year of his age. He volunteered in defence of his country on the fourth of March, 1862, served as second Lieut. one year and seven months, chiefly in Tennessee. He fell a victim to the missles of the fow, on the bloody battle field of Chickamauga, whilst leading his men on to victory. He was highly esteemed as an officer, and much beloved by all his men, for his affection and kindness towards them at all times. Bro Power was a devoted member of the Baptist Church of Christ at the Fork of Broad River, for the last twelve years,...
...Tho' they mourn his loss, as not dead but gone before. Thus cut down in the prime of life, the Confederate Government has lost a valiant soldier, Madison county has been deprived of a good citizen, and the Masonic Lodge of a consistent member, and the church of one of her best members and most consistent deacons.
...Resolved, That a blank page be left in the records of this lodge, inscribed with the name, age and rank of our deceased brother.
...Resolved, That this Lodge be draped in mourning the usual length of time...