Henry and Susanne |
Washington Times (District of Columbia)
Monday, 14 October 1912
MAJ. HENRY COLE SUCCUMBS TO TYPHOID FEVERWell-Known Army Officer Dies at Hospital on Sunday.After nearly a month's illness with typhoid fever, Major Henry G. Cole, U.S.A., assigned to duty in the subsistence department in Washington for the past four years, died at Walter Reed Hospital yesterday. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at St. Thomas' Church, and the body will be taken to Marietta, Ga., his birthplace, for burial.Major Cole was born May 6, 1869, and was appointed a cadet at West Point from Georgia on June 16, 1888, graduating four years later. He was assigned to an infantry regiment, and was stationed in the Southwest until the outbreak of the Spanish-American war, when he was transferred to the subsistence department of the army, with the rank of captain. After service in the Philippines and in Cuba, he was detailed for duty in Washington under Brig. Gen. Henry G. Sharpe in the subsistence department.He was married to Miss Susanne Fletcher, in 1906, and is survived by her and his three-year-old son, Loren Fletcher Cole. He was a member of the Army and Navy Club, the New York Athletic and Explorers' Club of New York, and the Chevy Chase and Metropolitan Clubs of this city.
Evening Star (Washington, DC)
Monday, 14 October 1912
LAST RITES TOMORROW FOR MAJ. HENRY G. COLEArmy Officer Who Died Yesterday Afternoon at Walter Reed HospitalFuneral services for Maj. Henry G. Cole, U.S.A., assigned to duty in the subsistence department of the army in this city for four years, who died at Walter Reed Hospital yesterday afternoon, will be held at St. Thomas' Church, 18th and Church streets northwest, at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon......Until the outbreak of the Spanish American war he was assigned to an infantry regiment in the southwest. Soon after war was declared his regiment was sent to Manila....He saw service in the Philippines during the insurrection, and also was stationed in Cuba with the army of pacification......In 1906 Maj. Cole was married to Miss Susanne Fletcher, niece of Loren Fletcher, former representative in Congress from Minnesota...
Friday, 18 October 1912
BODY OF MAJOR COLE RESTS BESIDE FATHERMajor Henry Greene Cole, of General H. G. Sharp's staff commissary department, U.S.A., died in Washington City last Sunday and was laid to rest in the National Cemetery here beside his father whose name he bore.A funeral service was held in Washington Tuesday afternoon when the pall-bearers were Brig. Gen. Henry G. Sharpe, Col. B. L. Brainerd, Col. Jefferson R. Kean, Capt. James S. Logan, Capt. H. O. Williams, Lieut. Col. Frederick Foltz, of the Army and Mr. Waddy Wood.Wednesday night the casket arrived in Marietta accompanied by Hon. Loren Fletcher, Mrs. Susanne Fletcher Cole, her son Loren Fletcher Cole and Gen. Henry G. Sharp. The funeral was held at St. James Church Thursday a.m......A detail of soldiers from Fort McPherson in Atlanta fired a military salute over his grave....[Major Cole] was universally admired and beloved for his bright sunny nature and noble character. He was only 43 years old and graduated from West Point about 20 years ago. He had served in Cuba, the Philippines and in Texas.Besides his mother he leaves two brothers, Mr. Webster Cole of the U.S. Reclamation Service in the West, Mr. D. C. Cole, assistant postmaster of Atlanta, and two sisters, Mrs. A. A. Fletcher and Miss Mary Cole...
Friday, 15 November 1912
MAJOR HENRY GREEN COLE.(Tribute From an Army Friend.)Of the passing of Major Henry Green Cole one can say, indeed, a 'long line of cliffs breaking has left a chasm.' No man in the army was better known, better loved. From the 'Days of the Empire' in Manila, where hearts were cemented together, to the present day 'Harry Cole' -- as he was known familiarly -- went on widening the circle of love and friendships until now there are comparatively few in the army whose keenest sympathies are not reaching out in heartache for their own loss as well as for the sorrow that has come to the charming wife. Everything that makes life worth the living seemed given to this young couple -- a beautiful home, a beautiful child, everything that wealth provides, and, above all, the gift of extending sincere and cordial and an unbroken hospitality that made their home one of the substantial social centers in Washington. Mrs. Cole was Suzanne Fletcher, the niece of ex-Representative Loren Fletcher of Minnesota, whom she was visiting when the typhoid fastened its clutches on Major Cole. The struggle lasted many weeks, and a brave fight was made. The shock that has come to the host of friends has comfort in the thought that the victory won by the Reaper was met and battled by all that is known to science and in the peace of home after years of foreign service with its dangers.