The photo above features my handsome grandfather atop a PEAVY gravestone. My mother and I took him some time ago to pay respects to some cousins at their final resting places. These graves were approximately 10 miles from his home, and he was not aware of them. I was so happy to show him these and other spots related to his cousins around town. Pa had stopped to take a breather while Mom and I were a short distance away documenting some other stones. I saw him, handed Mom the camera, and asked her to snap a photo. I think she got a great one.
I would stuff the stockings of my grandfather and two of his daughters with this photo. Grandpa loves hearing stories I find about his and my family history. He doesn't do the genealogy directly, but loves to pour over anything pertaining to it. Every now and again he finds something "old" around the house and shares it with me. Recently, he typed up stories of his childhood for all of us. You can imagine how much I treasure that. Two of his daughters would enjoy the photo as well. It would spark a nice memory for Mom, and my aunt loves all photos -- especially those of family.
There are only a couple of my close family members that really enjoy history, and Grandpa is one of them. (I'm working on a couple of others, and they're starting to get into it - I think). I appreciate the attentive ear, interest, and support he gives me whenever I tell a tale of my travels through time. I love you, Grandpa! Merry Christmas!